St Leonard's RC Primary – Year 3

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Tennis lessons

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We learned some new skills in our tennis lesson this week. Our coach has been very impressed with our progress and will be selecting 4 girls and 4 boys next week to represent the school in a tennis competition. Year 3; keep working hard on these new skills and having fun with tennis!

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Parental Questionnaire – February 2017

We are keen to gather your views on what you feel we are doing well, and to hear of any areas we could develop further. Please reflect on the academic year to date.  We have highlighted some of the new initiatives and activities that have been introduced over the last year and these are in the  document below. Miss McVittie and I thought it would be useful to do the questionnaire in the spring term then it gives us time to give consideration to any areas for development and implement any suggested actions.  Please remember there is a correlation between certain statements eg progress and quality of teaching are linked.  Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire, your opinions are very important to us.


We will provide feedback on the results of this survey, and your opinions will help best inform the school’s decisions for the rest of the school year.


Thank you for your help.

Mrs Doherty

Head Teacher


Year 3          



Shining star!

Well done to Niamh who will be performing at the Sunderland Empire. Thank you for sharing this with us in Golden assembly.

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Lunchtime awards

Well done to Jack and Isaac who were awarded lunch time awards for their exemplary lunch time behaviour all week. We are very proud of you boys.

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Attendance prizes

The following children have 100% attendance for the year to date. Well done!!


Maths workshop

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Today we had a Maths workshop with the mathematician and author of the ‘Murderous Maths’ books, Kjarten Poskitt. Mr Poskitt made Maths lots of fun and truly fascinating. We were truly amazed when we were solving number patterns and puzzles.